Little Lights – 2015

The older I get, the less nervous I get about songwriting. This album was the culmination of a rough period in my life, where making music became less of a priority. There was a time where I wondered if I was done making albums. When I wrote the Awake demos, I was comforted to know that I could never stop writing songs, and I thought maybe that’s how it would be – just a song here and there when I needed to get something out. I now understand that there’s a part of me that’s always writing, that I was writing Little Lights for a few years without even knowing it. When it started to come out, I barely had to coax it. I just decided it was time to make an album, and I realized this stuff had just been collecting in my subconscious, waiting for a reason to come out. I’m glad it did, and I’m happy to share it with you.


-Josh Caress

May 2016
